







每天香港也有不少學者為大自然努力,有的研究生態、地理、生物、氣像,最近便有理工大學土地測量及地理資訊學系的Md. Latifur Rahman Sarker先生來到綠田園搜集植物樣本,而他搜集的樣本正是去年夏天給非法砍伐的牙香樹,他與我們一樣感到十分難過。Sarker先生說,他搜集的樣本是用以研究「香港植被的碳儲存能力」。他使用「遙控感應技術」去量度香港植被的「生物量」(Biomass)。Sarker先生說,在光合作用的過程中,植物從空氣中透過一些生物化學過程,吸收二氧化碳並以「生物量」方式儲存,因此植物乾重(dry weight)其中50%其實是二氧化碳來的。香港是一個人口稠密及燃料使用量甚高的城市,二氧化碳排放量高而引致不少環境問題,他認為香港政府及市民也應了解如何使用香港的林木去儲存不斷增加的二氧化碳。

由於要搜集足夠樣本,Sarker先生已經去過全港63個地點,量度過12,000棵樹的樹幹胸高直徑(diameter of Brest height, DBH)。他說,大家都知香港政府對砍樹有嚴格的政策,由於漁護署方面知道他正進行這項研究,因此當漁護署知道有樹因某些原因而需要砍伐時,便會通知他。




1.    What is your research topic ? How important is it ?

I am doing a research about Biomass Estimation using Remote Sensing Technique. My research topic is “Modeling Carbon Storage Capacity of Hong Kong's Vegetation”.

You know that Biomass is the only key element which can sink/store/sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and this biomass is stored in plant. Actually during the photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it as biomass through some biochemical procedure. As a result 50% of the dry weight of plant is carbon dioxide.

As Hong Kong is a highly populated place and fuel consumption is very high, so carbon dioxide emission is very high and this increasing trend of carbon dioxide emission causes many environmental problems. So it is important for the Hong Kong people and Hong Kong government (to consider) whether the environment particularly the forest is capable to store this increasing trend of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which are produced by various activities.

2.        Why you need to take samples for your research ?

Although I am trying to estimate biomass using remote sensing technique but for the development of Allometric Relationship tree sample is essential.

3.    Apart from coming to our farm, how many places did you go to get tree samples ? Which place impressed you most ? Why?

Actually in this research I have already measured DBH (Diameter of Brest Height) and Height of 12000 trees in 63 plots all over the Hong Kong. But for the allometric equation I need to harvest around 40 trees in different species and I already got 9 tress. My field plots are located inside the country park and all country parks are really very nice but the village side impressed me very much. Actually I was completely unaware that such a city based Hong Kong has like this ideal village where nature is still completely natural but I am sorry to say that the illegal cutting of tree made me sad too.

4.    How will you use the samples ?

It is long process to use this sample. I have to put all samples (Stem, branches, twigs, leaves) into the oven at 900 C temperature and need to check the weight after 24, 48, 96, 120 in order to get a constant weight. After getting this constant weight from this sample I can calculate the total dry weight of a tree. Later I will try to developed a relationship between DBH and dry weight of the tree. If I can develop a successful relation then I can calculate biomass of other tree without cutting of it.

5.    How do you know where you could take samples?

Actually I have contact with AFCD and they are well known about my research. I can’t cut tree as per my necessity as you know that Hong Kong government have strict policy against tree cutting. AFCD is trying to find some tree which they need to cut some reasons and they normally inform me when they find some tree for cutting.

6.    Incense Tree (Aquilaria sinensis) is one of the targets for illegal immigrants,  how much do you know about it ? What do you think about it ?

Actually I did not know too much about this practice before visiting this place. I just heard that some illegal immigrants are smuggling Pine tree but after visiting that place I found that it is not only Pine tree but also Incense Tree. I feel very sad to think that how they are cutting this tree in afew minutes just for some money and they are not thinking that how long it takes to grow this tree and they are not thinking what will happen if they continue this practice. I do believe that this activity is extremely harmful for this tree specie and government should take appropriate measure to protect this endangenous specie otherwise it will be eliminated by this practice very soon.


